Brand Identity–Make Your Brand Stand for You

There were 2.3 million trademarks registered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in 2002. According to the Office of Advocacy estimates, in 2008 there were 29.6 million businesses in the United States (627,200 opened and 595,600 closed, roughly 10% in, 10% out).

Where is your company in the vicious 10/10 cycles?
Are you coming or going? With all the competition and uncertainty in today’s business climate it’s crucial
that your business stand out in your market!

Make it personalTransform a negative–your size into a positive by developing intimate relationships with your clients. One of the advantages of being a small business is that you deal directly with your clients; which affords you the opportunity to get to know them on a personal level and also allowing them to get to know you. Developing this unique relationship with your clients enables to you to identify shared interest and values, talking directly with your clients is the best marketing research tool you could ask for.

To help you maximize your marketing dollars/efforts. Make Your Brand stand for more than the service
or products you provide, but also to reflect your personal values. Please understand that values–what you hold dear and views–how you perceive the world is not mutually inclusive. You can be of different religious
or political affiliations but value the same things, but also remember the old adage of not discussing religion and politics in the work place; you don’t want to alienate your clients.

You the owner/operator are your biggest asset
. Invest your time and limited resources on causes that matter–to you personally. Sponsor a children’s sports team in your market, volunteer your time or services
for a local charity. Be creative, think in and outside of the box. Become your best advocate when it comes
to announcing your community involvement.

Social media organizations such as facebook and twitter can be great marketing tools.
If utilized properly social media can help enhance your online presence. 
You can use them to publicize your community involvement efforts thereby creating “fans” and “followers”. You can also attend networking events not only with your peers, but also with your potential customers and suppliers. Most importantly listen and look for opportunities to get personally involved to Make Your Brand Stand for you.